Scenic Loop Lakeview

My parents were in town visiting recently and helping with some much needed and fairly urgent home repairs. During their visit we made sure to get out and take them exploring! We decided to take them on a loop drive starting from Lakeview going East on hwy 140 to Adel Oregon, then heading south over to Ft. Bidwell, and crossing over the beautiful Fandango Pass into Davis Creek and then back up hwy 395 through New Pine Creek and back into Lakeview.

The first part of the drive will be on pavement as you leave Lakeview going north on Hwy 395, you will then turn onto East hwy 140 heading towards Warner Canyon Ski area and the small town of Adel. There are some beautiful stops along that route if you have time to explore. Once you reach the turn for Adel you will want to turn right and begin heading south towards Ft. Bidwell California. The road will start out paved and then will transition into a dirt road, this road is not maintained in the winter making this a late spring/summer/early fall drive only.

We followed this road and enjoyed the views. We found lots of cows and some fun small roads to explore. One of our roads we explored we found a lot of interesting rocks including obsidian.

During the drive you will pass some old homesteads, and a lot of scenic views. I also recommend looking out for Bald Eagles and other birds of prey, we saw at least 4 Bald Eagles! Then you will come into the small town of Ft. Bidwell. If you have time be sure to stop in at the NFB Restaurant and have a bite to eat. The food is fantastic and the service very friendly. We were there on a Friday night and got to enjoy live music while we ate.

Make your way out of Ft. Bidwell and then turn onto the road for Fandango Pass. This will be another dirt road and is a nice drive over the mountains. There are some nice scenic stops and historical points of interest in addition to the amazing views of Surprise Valley.

Great view from Fandango Pass

When you come into Davis Creek at the end of Fandago Pass and you will turn right on Highway 395 to head North towards Lakeview.

This is a beautiful and nice scenic drive. It will take as little as 2 hours and 45 minutes, but make sure to plan extra time so you can stop and explore.

Happy Adventuring,


We had to stop and enjoy the rainbow!

How We Adventure.. Part 2

Spring 2016 near Spokane Washington

A large part of our traveling and adventures is hiking! It is perhaps my favorite part. Many people feel that if you have kids and love to hike that you need to find a sitter and leave them at home. For some hikes that is true, but for many it is not necessary. I suppose, it just depends on what your ultimate goals are and why you are hiking.

I began hiking and fell in love with it for a multitude of reasons. The fresh air, open space, exercise, and ability to experience places not easily seen by everyone. Through the years more reasons have been added to my list. When I hike with my children they help me slow down and notice the little things. We pick up sticks, find cool rocks, and investigate the leaves. We talk A LOT and about anything and everything. We talk about hiking, how to be safe, how to take care of the trails and nature. We don’t make good time mileage wise, at least not yet, but we make memories that last. I would not trade them for anything.

We started hiking with our kids before they could walk. A quality child hiking pack is important at this stage. As they reached toddler years we started having them walk safe portions of the trails. We let them hold sticks and leaves (not always very pleasant for my head). The older they got, the more they walked and the slower we became. It was a necessary sacrifice to help build their comfort outside as well as their stamina.

Our two oldest children at ages 3 and 1 getting ready for a hike.
Spring 2017 hiking in Northern Alabama.

As they were growing and starting to get harder to hold we needed to help encourage them to push through and continue hiking. At this point we offered each of them a goal. We told them if they successfully hiked three 2+ mile hikes in a row without being carried they would earn their own hiking bag!! This was actually very motivational for them. It also allowed us to give them their own water bladder and to have them begin carrying their own snacks and small toys if they wanted them. Once they earned their bags then if they complained or wanted carried we could simply remind them that they have proven they CAN hike, even when it is hard or they are tired.

Our youngest earned her hiking pack after our Georgia trip! We picked it up at REI in Chattanooga, TN.

Our oldest is turning 10 this summer and is a very confident hiker, and our younger two are also well on their way. We are starting to be able to hike further and a bit faster these days. Speed to me is not the most important thing, I love that they enjoy hiking and nature. I hope this will be something that will carry us through their teen years and help us to continue to feel connected.

Our tips for hiking with kids:

  • Find a comfortable Child Carrier.
  • Bring lots of snacks. Space them out on the trail (they are great motovation for kids).
  • Choose a hike based on the abilities of all in your group, including the children.
  • Encourage the child/children to hike as much as possible on their own. This will sometimes feel frustrating but in the long run it is beneficial. They are learning to hike. Try to make it fun for them!
  • Familiarize yourself with first aid and other safety measures. Hiking with young kids often means first aid will be necessary.
  • Slow down and enjoy nature. Use the slower pace as an opportunity to teach and connect with your child.
  • When they are old enough get them a backpack sized correctly for them, and add a water bladder. We LOVE the child sized day packs by REI.
Georgia 2017
Spring 2020 in Lake County, Oregon

I hope you feel inspired to get out and hike and explore with your children. If you don’t have kids of your own, hopefully this information will help if you ever join a family/friends with kids on a hike! Our children love encountering friendly hikers on the trail. Hikers who understand how kids hike and encourage them are immensely inspiring for our children.

Happy Adventuring,


Shirk Ranch

We had the pleasure of visiting Shirk Ranch this spring. Shirk Ranch is a historic ranch located in the Guano Valley near the small town of Adel, Oregon. The ranch was first Homesteaded in 1881 and was purchased by David L. Shirk in 1883.

David L. Shirk operated his ranch on the property until 1914. The property went through a few exchanges and was eventually acquired by the US Government in the year 1942. The ranch is now managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Map from Wikipedia

We had fun walking through the abandoned house, barn, and all the other buildings. It was fun to imagine what it must have been like to homestead there 100 years ago. There are still a lot of items left to see on the property and beautiful views any direction you point your camera!

I highly recommend this visit. Please remember to be kind to this, and all other, pieces of living American history. It is a protected historic site, so remember to take only memories and pictures, and as always, tread lightly. Items on the property need to be left for others to enjoy (though we did remove some garbage left by other recent visitors). Also, keep in mind that this is not a developed recreation site so there are no restrooms or trash collection, so plan accordingly.

We headed out to explore the surrounding countryside and discovered that once things dry out a bit more, there would be a lot of roads to explore. There is a scenic reservoir, nature area, and you can even take some dirt roads into the back side of Hart Mountain. This would make for a wonderful trip, but it was too early in the season for us to make it very far. They were very muddy in sections and the snow level was still too low in elevation. We hope to go back this summer and make the loop.

We were reminded of a one of the most important rules of adventuring, especially in the Oregon Outback:

If at all possible you should make sure someone knows your plans and when to expect you back. This is a remote area with little to no cell service, which is absolutely a large part of the fun, but not somewhere you want to get stuck. Being prepared is always a priority in this area.

I hope you take some time and make a trip out to Shirk Ranch! Check out Doherty Slide while you’re there and eat at the historic restaurant in Adel. There is plenty to see in this area! If you are planning to visit and want more ideas feel free to comment or send us a message and we will be happy to share some ideas!

Happy Adventuring,


The gravesite near Shirk Ranch

Check out wikipedia for more information about Shirk Ranch. Driving directions coming soon. We used Google Maps and made it safely but we had a clear idea of where we were heading and what to expect.

Wild Goose Chase 2019

Today we attended the 19th annual Wild Goose Chase which is organized by the Lakeview Rotary Club. The proceeds each year go directly back into the community. This year they went to providing much needed pool covers for the Town of Lakeview’s Pubic Pools.

Each little goose released has a number on the bottom of it. That number matches it to a ticket that was purchased by a member of the community. There were amazing prizes for the winners!

This was our first year attending the Wild Goose Chase and I was very excited to see what happened and how it all was done. My husband is a new member of the Lakeview Rotary, so we made sure we were there early to help set up. We were pleasantly surprised to find people gathering and visiting before the event. There was even a bbq where they made hamburgers and hotdogs for those attending!

Right on time at 12:00 they released the wild Geese into Drew’s Creek where they would travel about 1/2 mile (what I heard) down the creek to the catch spot where we would be able to collect the winners.

After the release we all ran across the road to see them start their journey down the creek.

Then we made our way back to the finish line. It took approximately 12 minutes until we found the first ducks approaching the finish line. The excitement was real as the first 3 battled for the winning position!

This was a really fun community event! The rotary does a great job with it, it was organized and well planned out. I still think it is amazing to see how the community comes together for events such as this one. The prizes were amazing for those who won, but really all of Lakeview wins because the money goes directly back to the community to a worthy and needed cause each year.

Noni’s Trails – East Trailhead to West Trailhead

Yesterday was the official dedication and opening of the very special Noni’s Trails. This trail system has been used by hikers, trail runners, and mountain bikers from Lakeview for many years but volunteers in the community worked hard to raise the funds necessary to map, mark, and rename the trail.

After the official opening my 8 year old son and I went and hiked the sections of trail closest to the town of Lakeview. We drove up Bullard Canyon Road and parked the car near the East Trailhead.

Upon arrival to the East Trailhead you will have your first obstacle – a creek crossing – which in the early spring can be a bit challenging but all things considered is easily passable for most.

We wound our way up the hill through the wildflowers and lightly forested section. We noticed a few lizards and a small snake scurry off the trail in front of us. At this point of the hike you are hiking above one of the Forest Service Roads and may hear vehicles here and there but it is still a very peaceful hike.

As you hike the trail the views are truly beautiful and it becomes hard to imagine you are actually very close to a town. We took Dave’s Bailout Trail because my son wanted to go see the river crossing. I was so happy he asked to go down that trail because it was full of densely packed and beautiful wildflowers! It ended up being one of my favorite parts of our hike yesterday. Dave’s Bailout trail is a fairly steep climb back up to the main trail but it was worth the extra effort!

As we were hiking I realized that this trail leads you through a lot of the landscape diversity you will encounter in the Oregon Outback. There was some mountain meadows, forested sections, rocky cliffs, and your classic high desert landscape. The wildflowers were on point and the butterflies were loving them.

We reached the end of the trail and my husband met us at the park and we drove up to get our other vehicle. It made for a wonderful afternoon hike.

Things to know:

  • The section of trail we hiked was 4.1 miles. If you do not hike down and back up Dave’s Bailout trail it would have been 3.5 miles.
  • There are some creek crossings, some steep sections, as well as some water rutted sections where you will need to watch your footing.
  • You can use Dave’s Bailout to make a shorter loop if you do not have someone to shuttle you back to your car and don’t have time for a 7 mile hike.
  • Look for the blue trail reassurance markers as you hike if you are unsure you are on the correct path.
  • Also remember your 10 essentials, and to always tell someone where you are going and when to expect you back.
  • Trail maps will be available soon and can be found at the Lake County Chamber of Commerce
  • If you message me I can send you my all trails recording to have as you hike.

Noni’s Trails Grand Opening Celebration!

The Outback Adventure Trails Committee has been working for close to a year to officially map, mark, and dedicate their first trail project to a local community member who touched many lives and many hearts during her time in Lakeview.

I did not have the opportunity to meet Noni but I can feel how loved she is by this community. She has left a lasting legacy and one that will continue to live on through this wonderful trail, as well as the Color Run for Noni Vanderberg hosted annually by the Lakeview High School National Honor Society.

Sunday June 2nd will be a big day for both the Outback Adventure Trails and LHS National Honor Society. It will start with the 5k color run for Noni which will end at the Lions Pool Park. At 11:30 the Outback Adventure Trails Group will do a short presentation (at Lions Pool Park) and then a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open and dedicate their first trail project.

An immense amount of work and planning has gone into this project and the group is excited to provide this trail to the community as well as to those who visit the area. It is a beautiful trail that is now well marked and is a wonderful addition to Lakeview and Lake County. The committee was able to secure grants and funding from the following businesses and organizations: Travel Southern Oregon, Travel Oregon, Anderson Engineering & Surveying, Town of Lakeview Lodging Tax, and the Noni Vandenberg Memorial Fund. Countless hours of work were also donated by committee members, and other volunteers throughout the community.

In celebration of this work the trails group is hosting a community celebration after the official dedication with games and a BBQ in the Lions Park. Rumor has it there may even be some swag to be given out with the new Outback Adventure Trails Logo! It is sure to be a great day here in Lakeview!!

Quick reference details:

What: Noni Trails Grand Opening Celebration.

When: Sunday June 2nd 2019 at approximately 11:30am (after the Color Run for Noni).

Where: Lions Pool Park – downtown Lakeview

Activities: Presentation & Ribbon Cutting, Picnic, and Games.

Donations are welcomed but not required.

Mitchell Monument

I have seen the signs for Mitchell Monument every time we drive to Klamath Falls from Lakeview. We decided to make a trip to visit the monument and also see if any of the hiking trails in that area were passable yet.

We knew heading over there that Mitchell Monument was a memorial area for a family or a group of people who were out on a picnic and were killed by an explosive, but that is as much as we knew. I will give you a bit more history so when you visit you have a lot of context as to why this is such an important place and a really large event in the history of the United States.

Mitchell Monument is unique because this is the ONLY place where there were Casualties as a result of enemy action on the U.S. mainland. To be exact there were 6 casualties on May 5, 1945.

Mrs. Elsie Mitchell – Age 26 & her unborn child * Jay Gifford – Age 13 * Edward Engen – Age 13 * Dick Patzke – Age 14 * Joan Patzke – Age 13 * Sherman Shoemaker – Age 11

Mitchell Monument – April 2019

But how in the world did 1 adult and 6 children die in the middle of the forest near the small town of Bly, Oregon from enemy action?

Well, Elsie Mitchell’s husband was Reverend Archie Mitchell. Elsie and Archie were taking their Sunday School students out for a picnic on May 5, 1945. Shortly after arriving at Leonard Creek on Gearhart Mountain Elsie took the kids ahead to let them explore while Archie parked the car. While he was parking the car Elsie and the children found a strange object and all huddled around it. It is believed that one of the children reached for the object which turned out to be a Japanese Bomb and it detonated killing everyone but Archie.

Now you may be wondering how did a Japanese Bomb end up in the middle of the forest in rural Oregon?

Less than a year before this event the Japanese came up with a new weapon intended to attack the U.S. mainland. According to my research the Japanese were trying to create panic and fires across the U.S. and divert the U.S. attention from the war to deal with the aftermath of the bombs. They were going to accomplish this with what were called Fugos (balloon bombs or wind ships). They would launch the balloons (Fugos) up into the jet stream and let the strong easterly winds blow the balloons to U.S. soil. Each balloon would carry 5 bombs. They also had a ring of about 30 sandbags for ballast control as well as an altitude control device.

The Japanese discontinued the program because they had not been successful in creating panic in the United States. The government had been careful in their response and made sure the details were not released to the general public about the Fugos or the deaths that happened because of them.

Picture of part of the information board located at Mitchell Monument

On August 20, 1950 the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company dedicated the site as a memorial to those who perished in the location. The memorial is now managed by the Fremont-Winema National Forest and has many informational boards as well as the monument which was constructed from native stones as well as a bronze plaque. Also of note is one of the Ponderosa Pines which has been named as an Oregon Heritage Tree. This tree is known as the Shrapnel Tree because it still bears the marks and damage from the detonated bombs. It stands as a reminder of the force and destruction those bombs created. You can read more about the tree here.

Shrapnel Tree – Oregon Heritage Tree – April 2019

Mitchell monument is easy to find it is located not far from Highway 140 off Forest Service Road 3400. There are nice picnic tables and a vault toilet located at the monument. For directions and more information visit Fremont-Winema National Forest web site.

Happy Adventuring,

~ Stephanie

** Also of note! There is some amazing hiking located in this area! It unfortunately for us was still too snow covered to make it far but look at some of the pictured from our attempted hike!

Geocaching in the Outback

My daughter requested a treasure hunt for her birthday and I thought Geocaching would be the perfect way to fulfill that request! At first I didn’t know if there would be many geocaches located in our area, but I was pleasantly surprised to find there were quite a few located right here in Lakeview! We downloaded a Geocache app to help us find and record the ones we find.

A screenshot of geocaches located in or near Lakeview Oregon.

Off we went! Our first stop was Lakeview’s Tall man! We had never stopped to visit this spot before so the kids really loved being able to get out and check around the area! We were able to find the hidden Geocache!

Looking for a geocache – 4/12/2019

After finding a geocache at Tall Man we headed to the next few areas, we were able to find a few more geocaches in Lakeview and then we headed out and found many more on our drive through Surprise Valley! There are many more to be found as you drive through the Oregon Outback, our goal is to find them all as we continue exploring the area.

This is a great activity with kids if you are in the Oregon Outback or staying in Lakeview. Another treasure hunt to go on while you are in Lakeview is searching for painted rocks! There is a group in Lakeview that paint them and hide them around town throughout the year! If you find one be sure to take a picture and post it on the Lakeview Rocks facebook page, they love to see the rocks bring a smile to someones face!

Happy Adventuring,


Surprise Valley Scenic Tour

We went Geo-cashing (post coming soon!) over the weekend and made a really nice scenic loop during our trip. We started out heading from Lakeview and we drove through New Pine Creek and headed into California, if you continue driving through California on Hwy 395 you will also pass Chimney Rock which is a great stop to check out. We stopped in Surprise Station for fuel and some snacks and then we went up CA 299 towards Cedarville California.

The drive down into Cedarville is beautiful! There is a ski area a couple miles off the road (not currently open), and some hiking trails as you drive through the mountains. Cedar Creek Trail looks like an incredibly nice 6 mile out and back trail, it is still currently covered in snow unfortunately.

View from Highway 299 heading towards Cedarville California on 4-12-2019

Cedarville turned out to be a very cute little town! We loved the historic houses and beautiful churches found in Cedarville. As we were driving through town we found the Cedarville Park. There is a nice play structure that the kids were happy to get out and play, also located at the park was the historic Gressler-Bonner Trading post. The trading post was built in 1865 by James Towsend who was killed about a year later in what is recorded as an Indian fight. It was purchased by William T. Cressler and John H. Bonner in 1867 and was used as a trading post for close to 10 years until a larger building was erected in the area. Bonner and Cressler played a major role in the settlement of Surprise Valley.

Gressler-Bonner Trading Post, Cedarville California, 4/12/2019
View inside the Gressler-Bonner Trading Post – 4/12/2019
Another view inside Gressler-Bonner Trading Post- 4/12/2019

We headed out from the park and down towards the main street of Cedarville and took Surprise Valley Road towards Historic Fort Bidwell. Surprise Valley is an immensely beautiful area! As we were driving on Surprise Valley Road we took a detour up the road to Fandango Pass. The views are spectacular! There are also so hiking trails and historic sites located on Fandango Pass but they were still covered in snow. The view is completely worth the trip up the road. It is a dirt road and is not maintained in the winter so drive with caution.

Looking across the horizon from Fandango Pass in California- 4/12/2019
View of Upper Alkali Lake from Fandango Pass- 4/12/2019

After exploring Fandango pass we went back down to Surprise Valley Road and continued on towards Fort Bidwell.

We came into Fort Bidwell and found a quaint little town full of history! We stopped and had dinner at the NFB BBQ and Cafe located in Fort Bidwell hotel – which you can stay at for only $55 a night! They have 8 rooms with a shared bathroom in the historic hotel. The people were friendly and the food was AMAZING!

Ft. Bidwell Hotel and NFB Restaurant – 4/12/2019

We tried to take forest service road 20 back towards Lakeview but it was dusk and the road was still rather muddy, then we hit snow and decided it was best to turn around. We opted to drive back to Fandango Pass and took that route over the mountain and back to Lakeview.

All told, we spent nearly the whole day exploring, but were only driving for about three and a half hours. This was a beautiful day trip to take from Lakeview, Oregon with a few day hikes on the route as well as some great historical and geological sites!

Happy Adventuring,


Chimney Rock

We visited Chimney on a trip from Lakeview Oregon to Alturas California. This is a quick detour off highway 395 which makes it an easy sight to see on a trip heading north or south from Lakeview to Alturas. There are quite a few other neat rock formations in the immediate area also, it took us a few minutes to figure out which formation was Chimney Rock.

Chimney rock is located on the far side of the railroad tracks to the left of the dirt road if you are headed south down highway 395 from Lakeview, Oregon. It is marked by a small brown sign from the highway and you turn off 395 and continue down a short dirt road to the landmark.

North Side of Chimney Rock

Some history to know about this landmark: Thomas L. Dennison was a master stone craftsman and when he built his cabin next to the north fork of the Pitt River in the year 1870. He constructed his cabin backed up to the large pyramid shaped rock formation. He then hand carved the chimney flue and mantle into the semi-soft rock. This rock consists of a material called Tuff, Tuff is a relatively soft surfaced rhyolite volcanic ash. Chimney rock is also of note because it is the site of the 2nd home ever built in the Pitt River Valley.

We had a great time visiting this site and learning about the history of the early settlers to the Pitt River Valley. If you have a few minutes to spare on a trip through the area I recommend you stop by and check out Chimney Rock!

Happy Adventuring,

~ Stephanie

Things to Know:

  • Chimney rock is located about 7 miles north of Alturas California off of highway 395. It is marked by small brown signs and the dirt road that leads to chimney rock will connect directly back to the highway so there is no need to try and turn around.
  • There are quite a few rock formations in the area, Chimney Rock is marked by a plaque placed on the rock in 1932.
  • There are active railroad tracks right next to Chimney Rock. They were laid in 1908 and many historians believe the cabin was still on the site at that point. Please be cautious if you climb down to the rock because they are active tracks.
  • You will notice many names carved into the rock by settlers in the area. Many historic settlers are rumored to have been entertained or to have sought shelter at the cabin. Please preserve this history and do not add new carvings.
  • More information can be found on
  • This site is located along the Emigrant Trails Scenic Byway.
South Side of Chimney Rock
The view looking NW from Chimney Rock